
Mardi Gras Here We Come :)

I just booked a trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras (March 2011), and am so excited!!!
I know it's a bit early, but the prices were too good right now to pass up. My friend and I have been going to Jazz Fest for the past 3 years, and have really fallen in love with New Orleans and it's music and culture. Combining that with our love for costumes...we knew that we would have to check out Mardi Gras sometime. So, why not sooner than later?! Now we just have to get our ideas and costumes planned out...at least in between the Halloween season...which is just around the corner :) I'm thinking that a purple, feathered short dress is in my future!

This is a pic I took in the Maskerade store in the French Quarter. The shopkeeper is great, and will let you not only try on any mask you like...but you can photograph them as well. http://www.frenchquartermaskstore.com/

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